Mittwoch, Juni 23, 2010

Es gibt doch einen!

Und zwar einen Twitterer den es sich lohnt zu lesen.
"shitmydadsays" ist einfach nur die Zitatesammlung von Justin der hin und wieder schreibt was sein Vater so für Sprüche bringt.
Rustikaler Kerl der alte Herr anscheinend :)
Was er sagt ist wohl sogar so zitatwürdig dass es inzwischen in Buchform erschienen ist!

"Engagement rings are pointless. Indians gave cows...Oh sorry, congrats on proposing. We good now? Can I finish my indian story?"

"Look, we're basically on earth to shit and fuck. So unless your job's to help people shit or fuck, it's not that important, so relax."

"Science and Mother Nature are in a marriage where Science is always surprised to come home and find Mother Nature blowing the neighbor."

"Nah, we don't celebrate it. Don't know who St. Valentine was, don't give a shit, and doubt he wants people screwing in his memory."

"Yes I got him a gift. He had a kidney stone. You piss a rock through your pecker, you deserve more than just a pat on the fucking back."

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